Source code for helio.models.tf_models

"""Conv block and U-net model."""
import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def conv_block(x, layout, filters=None, transpose=False, rate=0.1, activation=None, is_training=True): """Convolutional block. Parameters ---------- x : tensor Input tensor. layout : str Layout of layers. Can contain "c" for convolution, "a" for activation, "n" for batchnorm, "p" for maxpooling, "d" for dropout. E.g. of layout: "ccnapd". filters : int, list or None Number of filters for convolutions. Can be a single number (all convolutions will have the same number of filters), a list of the same length as a count of letters "c" in the layout, or None if the layout contains no "c". transpose : bool If true, transposed convolutions are used. rate : float Dropout rate parameter. Default to 0.1. activation : function Activation function. If not specified activation is tf.nn.elu. is_training: bool Phase of training for batchnorm. Default to True. Returns ------- x : tensor Output tensor. """ i = 0 try: iter(filters) except TypeError: filters = list([filters] * layout.count('c')) for s in layout: if s == 'c': if transpose: x = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(x, filters[i], (3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='same') else: x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, filters[i], (3, 3), padding='same') i += 1 elif s == 'a': if activation is None: activation = tf.nn.elu x = activation(x) elif s == 'p': x = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(x, (2, 2), (2, 2)) elif s == 'n': x = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x, training=is_training, momentum=0.9) elif s == 'd': if rate is None: rate = 0.1 x = tf.layers.dropout(x, rate=rate, training=is_training) else: raise KeyError('unknown letter {0}'.format(s)) return x
[docs]def u_net(images, depth, init_filters, output=None, is_training=True, verbose=0): """U-net implementation. Parameters ---------- images : 4d tensor Input tensor. depth : int Depth of the U-net. init_filters : int Number of filters in the first conv block. output : dict Output conv block config. is_training: bool Phase of training for batchnorm. Default to True. verbose : int Level for information messages. Default to 0. Returns ------- up : 4d tensor Output tensor. """ verboseprint = print if verbose == 0 else lambda *args, **kwargs: None conv_d = [] conv = images verboseprint('input', conv.get_shape()) for d in range(depth): conv = conv_block(conv, 'caca', init_filters * (2 ** d), is_training=is_training) verboseprint('conv_block_{0}'.format(d), conv.get_shape()) conv_d.append(conv) conv = conv_block(conv, 'pd') verboseprint('pool_{0}'.format(d), conv.get_shape()) conv = conv_block(conv, 'cacad', init_filters * (2 ** depth), is_training=is_training) verboseprint('bottom_conv_block_{0}'.format(depth), conv.get_shape()) for d in range(depth, 0, -1): conv = conv_block(conv, 'cad', init_filters * (2 ** d), transpose=True, is_training=is_training) verboseprint('up_{0}'.format(d - 1), conv.get_shape()) conv = tf.concat([conv, conv_d[d - 1]], axis=-1) verboseprint('concat_{0}'.format(d), conv.get_shape()) conv = conv_block(conv, 'cacad', init_filters * (2 ** (d - 1)), is_training=is_training) verboseprint('up_conv_block_{0}'.format(d), conv.get_shape()) if output is not None: out = conv_block(conv, is_training=is_training, **output) else: out = conv verboseprint('output shape', out.get_shape()) return out